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by Darouny Somsanith (Author), Timothy Berthold (Editor)
See all formats and editions
ISBN: 978-1-394-19979-2
May 2024
768 pages
E-Book: Starting at CAD $90.99
Print: Starting at CAD $112.99
A practical guide to becoming a community health worker. This book, in its updated Third Edition, is a valuable introduction and reference for anyone working toward a career as a community health worker.
ISBN: 978-1-119-06081-9 May 2016 Jossey-Bass 736 Pages
Training, credentialing and employment opportunities for Community Health Workers (CHW) are expanding across the nation. Foundations for Community Health Workers, 2nd Edition provides a practical and comprehensive introduction to essential skills for CHWs, with an emphasis on social justice, cultural humility, and client-centered practice. Real-life case studies and quotes from working CHWs illustrate challenges and successes on the job.
For additional details, please visit:
Acknowledgments vii
About the Authors ix
Introduction xiii
Part 1 Community Health Work: The Big Picture 1
1 The Role of Community Health Workers 3
Darouny Somsanith, Janey Skinner
2 The Evolution of the Community Health Worker Field in the United States: The Shoulders We Stand On 29
E Lee Rosenthal, J Nell Brownstein
3 An Introduction to Public Health 63
Tim Berthold, Janey Skinner, and Sharon Turner
4 Health for All: Promoting Health Equality 83
Janey Skinner, Tim Berthold
5 An Introduction to Health Care and Health Policy in the United States 109
Len Finocchio, Ellen Wu
Part 2 Core Competencies for Providing Direct Services 133
6 Practicing Cultural Humility 135
Abby Rincón
7 Guiding Principles 155
Tim Berthold, Edith Guillén-Núñez
8 Conducting Initial Client Interviews 199
Tim Berthold, Mickey Ellinger
9 Client-Centered Counseling for Behavior Change 221
Tim Berthold, Darouny Somsanith
10 Care Management 259
Tim Berthold, Craig Wenzl, and Emily Marinelli
11 Home Visiting 299
Craig Wenzl, Tim Berthold, and Emily Marinelli
Part 3 Enhancing Professional Skills 319
12 Stress Management and Self Care 321
Joani Marinoff, Tim Berthold, and Sal Núñez
13 Conflict Resolution Skills 345
Darlene Weide, Joani Marinoff, and Tim Berthold
14 Professional Skills: Getting a Job, Keeping a Job, and Growing On the Job 369
Amber Straus, Rhonella C Owens, Tim Berthold, and Jeni Miller
Part 4 Applying Core Competencies to Key Health Issues 391
15 Promoting the Health of Formerly Incarcerated People 393
Donna Willmott
16 Introduction to Chronic Disease Management 419
Tim Berthold, Jill Tregor, and David Spero
17 Promoting Healthy Eating and Active Living 457
Tim Berthold, Jill Tregor
18 Understanding Trauma and Supporting the Recovery of Survivors 487
Tim Berthold, Janey Skinner
Part 5 Working with Groups and Communities 547
19 Health Outreach 549
Craig Wenzl, Tim Berthold, and Emily Marinelli
20 Facilitating Community Health Education Trainings 577
Jill Tregor
21 Group Facilitation 601
Philip Colgan, Joani Marinoff, and Tim Berthold
22 Community Diagnosis 633
Susana Hennessey Lavery, Mele Lau-Smith, Alma Avila, Janey Skinner, Jill Tregor, and Tim Berthold
23 Community Organizing and Advocacy 665
Alma Avila, Janey Skinner
Video Index 689
Author Index 693
Subject Index 697
Working in Community Health: Foundations for a successful career
Author: Karen Marie Perrin
Publisher: Jones and Bartlett Learning LLC
Coming in February, Working in Community Health: Foundations for a Successful Career prepares and trains current and future community health workers for employment in this rapidly expanding field.
Written at a community college literacy level, this invaluable resource provides the knowledge required for developing practical employment skills, understanding basic anatomy and physiology of common chronic diseases, accessing and understanding health knowledge, developing a resume, and interviewing proficiency. It also provides an overarching foundation for several public health and clinical careers, such as nursing, health education, physician assistant, and counseling.
Working in Community Health: Foundations for a Successful Career prepares and trains current and future community health workers for employment in this rapidly expanding field.
This first-of-its-kind text provides the knowledge required for developing practical employment skills, understanding basic anatomy and physiology of common chronic diseases, accessing and understanding health knowledge, developing a resume, and interviewing proficiency.
Section 1 Community Health Workers in the Community
Ch 1 What is a Community Health Worker?
Ch 2 Adult Learning and Health Literacy
Ch 3 Health Equity and Social Determinants of Health
Ch 4 Social Justice, Advocacy, and Community Resources
Section 2 Health and Disease
Ch 5 Environmental Impact of Health
Ch 6 Body Systems
Ch 7 Infectious Diseases
Section 3 Aspects of Aging
Ch 8 Safety for the Aging Population, Elderly, and Community Health Workers
Ch 9 Aspects of Aging
Ch 10 Quality of Life, Advance Directives, and End of Life Planning
Section 4 Health Care, Ethics, and Professionalism
Ch 11 Health Insurance
Ch 12 Health Care Facilities
Ch 13 Ethics, Rights, and Responsibilities
Ch 14 The Community Health Worker Profession
Editors: St. John, Julie Ann, Mayfield – Johnson, Susan L., Hernandez-Gordon, Wandy D. (Eds.)
Part 1: The story behind the book
Chapter 1: Introduction: Why Community Health Workers?
Chapter 2: The Community Health Worker Core Consensus (C3) Project Story: Confirming the Core Roles and Competencies of Community Health Workers
Chapter 3: Roles, Skills and Qualities of Community Health Workers
Chapter 4: Describing Results from the “Promoting the Health of the Community” National Needs Assessment
Part 2: CHWs describe their roles through their stories
Chapter 5: Cultural Mediation Among Individuals, Communities, and Health and Social Service Systems
Chapter 6: Providing culturally appropriate health education and information
Chapter 7: Care Coordination, Case Management, and System Navigation
Chapter 8: Providing Coaching and Social Support
Chapter 9: Advocating for Individuals and Communities
Chapter 10: Building Individual and Community Capacity
Chapter 11: Providing Direct Services
Chapter 12: Implementing Individual and Community Assessments
Chapter 13: Conducting Outreach
Chapter 14: Participating in Evaluation and Research
Part 3: A bright future for CHWs
Chapter 15: Uniting the Workforce: Building Capacity for a National Association of Community
Health Workers
Chapter 16: Where Do We Go from Here?
ISBN-13: 978-3030563745
ISBN-10: 303056374X
In Boundaries of Care, Ryan I. Logan details the lived experience of community health workers (CHWs) – a present yet often invisible facet of the healthcare workforce. These workers participate in nonclinical services to enhance the health and well-being of their communities outside the walls of the clinic and social service agencies. Logan examines the boundaries of and barriers to care present in the experiences of CHWs, their relationships with clients, issues of professionalization, impacts of burnout and self-care, and the critical impacts of CHW advocacy. Told through first-hand accounts and interwoven with theory, Logan presents the key challenges facing this workforce and their potential to foster even greater well-being within their communities. The findings and recommendations from participants found within Boundaries of Care can inform and shape CHW programs both in the United States and abroad.
Lexington BooksPages: 234 • Trim: 6 x 9978-1-7936-2946-3 • Hardback • January 2022 • $100.00 • (£77.00)978-1-7936-2947-0 • eBook • January 2022 • $45.00 • (£35.00)Series:Anthropology of Well-Being: Individual, Community, SocietySubjects:Medical / Caregiving, Social Science / Anthropology / Medical, Social Science / Sociology of Work
Text Book: Foundations for Community Health WorkersContact Authors directly at City College of San Francisco:
Foundations for Community Health Workers (J-B Public Health/Health Services Text) by Tim Berthold, Alma Avila and Jennifer Miller (Aug 31, 2009)
Date: July 2015
Bridging the Gap details the role, lessons, and effectiveness of community health workers (CHWs) in bringing health care to underserved immigrant communities. Combining education, advocacy, and local cultural acumen, CHWs have proven successful in the United States and abroad, improving community health and establishing an evidence base for how CHW programs can work for immigrants. Based on a decade of in-depth evaluations from several immigrant health programs in New York City with complementary interviews with dozens of immigrants and CHWs, Bridging the Gap offers insights into how CHWs help
Bibliographic Information
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Print Publication Date: Jun 2015
ISBN-13: 9780199364329
Print Published online: Jul 2015
Building Research Integrity & Capacity:
Date: July 2017
Authors: Camille Nebeker (PI), Gayle Simon , Michael Kalichman, Ana Talavera , Elizabeth Booen, Araceli López-Arenas
Contents: 8 Modules
Pages: 115
The purpose of this training is to promote an understanding of basic research concepts for new research staff. The curriculum is intended for research support staff/volunteers who have a role in the conduct of research, but who have received little to no formal training in this area. The primary goal is for learners to develop an understanding of basic research concepts and appreciate the importance of conducting research in keeping with an approved plan. We hope this enhanced knowledge and understanding of research concepts and responsible practices will contribute to the integrity of the research and the value of the research results.
The training offers an introduction to the basic research concepts of research and is completed according to the individuals personal abilities (e.g., self-paced curriculum). The material serves as a foundation for responsible and proper conduct of research. The topics presented include how to design and conduct research as well as how actions conducted throughout research can affect the integrity of the research project. This training presents ethical issues associated with conducting research and encourages beginning research team members to make decisions consistent with responsible and ethical research practices. The topics were selected by experts in research methods in a variety of fields (e.g., social science). The topics discussed in this manual are typically offered as university research methods academic courses; however, the information was written without technical words so that the issues discussed are accessible to individuals who have little to no experience in these topics.
Our manual is also available in Spanish.
by Rodney W Black (Author)
Paperback : 465 pages
ISBN-13 : 979-8357356222
Community Health Work: A Community Health Worker's Guide for Improving Healthcare Access, Quality, and Outcomes Paperback – October 10, 2022
Community Health Work is a training program manual for community health high school and adult CHWs. This book is a comprehensive and practical guide for CHW trainees and veteran CHWs. Readers develop a strong understanding of community health workers’ role in healthcare.
Readers learn in the all-encompassing book various health topics like nutrition, noninfectious disease, infectious disease, addiction, reproductive health, public health, motivational interviewing, healthcare navigation/service coordination, case management, and healthcare careers.
After reading this book, CHWs will know how to bridge the gap between patients and the healthcare system. CHWs will have the knowledge to provide patient-centered one-on-one counseling for their patients. CHWs will also know how to provide accurate, culturally relevant health information to patients and the community. Lastly, CHWs will learn how to navigate patients through the healthcare system and connect patients to services in the community.
Readers will learn to view patients through various lenses to understand their overall health and how the social determinants of health and adverse childhood experiences affect patient health.
This book is perfect for any high school or adult CHW training program.
Boundaries of Care Community Health Workers in the United States RYAN I. LOGAN In Boundaries of Care, Ryan I. Logan details the lived experience of community health workers (CHWs) – a present yet often invisible facet of the healthcare workforce. These workers participate in nonclinical services to enhance the health and well-being of their communities outside the walls of the clinic and social service agencies. Logan examines the boundaries of and barriers to care present in the experiences of CHWs, their relationships with clients, issues of professionalization, impacts of burnout and self-care, and the critical impacts of CHW advocacy.
Told through first-hand accounts and interwoven with theory, Logan presents the key challenges facing this workforce and their potential to foster even greater well-being within their communities. The findings and recommendations from participants found within Boundaries of Care can inform and shape CHW programs both in the United States and abroad.
Details Author TOC Reviews Lexington BooksPages: 234 • Trim: 6 x 9978-1-7936-2946-3 • Hardback • January 2022 • $100.00 • (£77.00)978-1-7936-2947-0 • eBook • January 2022 • $45.00 • (£35.00)Series:Anthropology of Well-Being: Individual, Community, SocietySubjects:Medical / Caregiving, Social Science / Anthropology / Medical, Social Science / Sociology of Work
Rosa D. Manzo, Ph.D., associate director of medical education and a project research scientist, has co-authored a new book on community-based and community-engaged research.
ISBN-13: 978-0816537662
ISBN-10: 0816537666
Cultura y Corazón is a research approach and practice that is rooted in the work of Latinx and Chicanx scholars and intellectuals. The book documents best practices for Community Based and Participatory Action Research (CBPAR), which is both culturally attuned and scientifically demonstrated. This methodology takes a decolonial approach to engaging community members in the research process and integrates critical feminist and indigenous epistemologies.
Cultura y Corazón presents case studies from the authors’ work within the fields of education and health. It offers key strategies to working in partnership with marginalized Latinx communities that are grounded in deep respect for the communities’ cultures and lived experiences. This book is intended for students, researchers, and practitioners who want to work with vulnerable populations through a community-based approach that truly respects and integrates culture, values, and funds of knowledge.
National Research Council and Institute of Medicine. (2013). U.S. Health in International Perspective: Shorter Lives, Poorer Health. Panel on Understanding Cross-National Health Differences Among High-Income Countries, Steven H. Woolf and Laudan Aron, Eds. Committee on Population, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, and Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice, Institute of Medicine. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press
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