Watch newsletter for Community of Practice updates
Watch newsletter for Community of Practice updates
Contact: Javier Garcia
Phone: (714) 564-6145
Room: S-213
Is a team of SAC student workers dedicated to reach out to families with the purpose of empowering, engaging and making Higher Education a possibility for their children by providing skills, knowledge, and resources available.
Inspire, transform, and empower families to achieve Higher Education
"Camino de Amistad" is an annual event designed to increase visibility of higher education in the community of Santa Ana and to help new high school students prepare for the year ahead.
500 volunteers distributed 30,000 door-hangers
All parents attend volunteer recognition lunch
Opportunities to renew motivation to help children prepare for college
Offer Secondary Grade Students Community Service hours for Camino De Amistad event
Meetings we be held virtually, one in the morning and one in the evening.
Financial Aid and Scholarship Opportunities
Transfer Center Information
Student Services Programs
School-based Community Health and Education Worker
The GCHW 011 specialty training program addresses the social determinants that drive health and education. As part of school-based teams, trained CHEWs will provide health and educational outreach and advocacy for the Whole Family (students and parents), and serve as liaisons between the community, resources, and the schools. Topics include: family engagement, navigating educational resources, home visitation, confidentiality and safety issues. Admission into this program is contract based. Pre-requisites: Successful completion of the Foundations training.