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There are many excellent training programs for Community Health Workers in California. On completion of a CHW training program the CHW will receive a certificate of completion from the training entity. There is no certification of CHW in California and no reciprocity from other states.
Pennsylvania Certification board
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Community Health Workers (CHWs), or promotores de salud, are non-medical public health workers who connect communities to health care and social service providers. The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) established the CWH program, in accordance with Health and Safety Code Chapter 48, to operate a program designed to train and educate persons who act as promotoras or CHWs.
CHWs demonstrate skills in the eight core competencies and must meet the following certification requirements:
Promotor(a)/Community Health Worker Application for Certification (Word)
Solicitud de Certificación del Promotor(a) de Salud (Español, Word)
(Online application is available only in English at this time.)
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